
Adult KunTao SilatTM

  • Motivational Environment
  • Awesome Physical Benefits
  • Incredible Mental Benefits
  • Great For Any Fitness Level


We know from experience that training at Studio Garuda Martial Arts can offer everyone, regardless of age, a healthful balanced life. The benefits our adult students enjoy are as varied as the individuals themselves, but the one thing we hear most often is the phrase "I simply feel better". It’s a phrase that is hard to define and difficult to quantify, but none the less impressive. Life is extremely busy for most. Stress from work or family and lack of exercise takes a toll on all of us. The key is finding a healthy activity that will motivate you to stick with it.

Yes, adults learn practical self-defense skills. We teach traditional striking and blocking techniques. You will get physically stronger and be more flexible...the list goes on. The most important aspect of time with Studio Garuda however is unique to each individual. Each person has an idea of what they want out of their training and our job is to help facilitate that positive change.

Even during a trial period adult students should look for improvements in their overall well-being. Are classes making you feel better, less stressed? Look for signs of improved stamina, flexibility, and strength. From experience we know our methods offer everyone, regardless of age, a more healthy life along with a martial arts education that is second to none.

It’s the small steps, the little goals set along the way that hold valuable lessons for students of any age. Martial arts at Studio Garuda will teach you not to be deterred by the time, distance, or effort necessary to achieve a worthwhile goal. We know that when students "Begin with an end in mind" they are more successful in achieving goals in, and out of the Studio. Call, visit, or register for you EasyTrial online today and discover the benefits.


Our children’s KunTao program is perfect for children four and up. Children’s KunTao at Studio Garuda Martial Arts is unique, and we believe, a cut above the rest. What we teach, when we teach it, and how we teach it sets Studio Garuda Martial Arts apart. For well over a decade we’ve invested focused effort into developing a beneficial curriculum for children that offers real physical change (i.e. children will learn real KunTao skills), and perhaps most importantly, real emotional growth.

Our emphasis on tying targeted goals to life skills and leadership training with ever-increasing difficulty leads children to a self-confidence that extends well beyond the KunTao training floor into a child’s school life, family life, and their interactions with peers.

We often hear from parents that their children simply seem more focused, more even tempered, more respectful, and much more confident in their own abilities.

Children will learn traditional KunTao stances, strikes, defenses, and basic self-defense skills. More importantly, from this practice children develop crucial agility, core strength, balance, and important lifeskils. All of these benefits in a motivational, fun, and challenging environment make Garuda Martial Arts the perfect compliment to the other activities in a child’s life.



Just Fill out this form and a Studio Garuda representative will reach out to you within 24 hours to get you ready for your first exciting session.
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